About the SCA
The SCA is a nonprofit trade association representing producers and shippers of slag cement in the United States. The SCA with assistance from its various volunteer based committees operate several annual activities and programs in support of slag cement use in concrete mix design.

Our Mission
To serve as the leading source of knowledge and technology transfer for the growth of slag cement.
Our Vision
To be the preferred solution for lowering embodied carbon in the design and construction of resilient and sustainable concrete.

Member Companies
The Slag Cement Association is an organization of companies that produce and ship slag cement in the United States; these shipments represent over 95% of all slag cement used in U.S. concrete. The SCA is the leading source of knowledge on blast furnace slag-based cementitious products. It promotes the increased use and acceptance of these products by educating customers, specifiers and other end-users on their varied attributes, benefits and applications. It strives to advance the state-of-the-art through increased knowledge and research.
To locate slag cement suppliers in your area, contact your local member company sales office.