Industry Links
The SCA has compiled a list of related websites with additional resources for construction professionals:
Construction Technology Laboratories, Inc. - Mass Concrete Information
EcoSmart Concrete - Reducing greenhouse gas emissions related to concrete
Environmental Protection Agency - Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines
Environmental Protection Agency - Recommendations for Cement and Concrete Specifications
FHWA - Low Carbon Transportation Materials Grants Program Threshold
FHWA - Portland Cement Concrete Pavements
National Concrete Bridge Council (and link to "HPC Bridge Views Newsletter")
National Concrete Pavement Technology Center (CP Tech Center)
National Ready Mixed Concrete Association
NEU, an ACI Center of Excellence for Carbon Neutral Concrete
NEx, an ACI Center of Excellence for Nonmetallic Building Materials
Virginia Department of Transportation - Research Brief on Slag Cement and Pozzolans
Website resource on designing, building, and operating profitable green buildings
Whole Building Design Guide Website (National Institute of Building Sciences)