Location: St Petersburg, Florida
Award: Innovative Applications
Project Team
Owner/Contractor: Reinforced Concrete Structures (RSI)
Architect: SB Architects
Engineer: McNamara/Salvia Structural Engineers Concrete/Slag Cement: Argos

RSI completed the foundations for the Art House Project, St Petersburg, FL, USA, and is also doing the full shell, including the foundation to roof (43 floors), three elevators, two staircases from the ground to the roof, and an added stair to the amenity deck at Level 9. More than 300 trucks were used to place 2853 yd3 (2181 m3) of concrete for the big mat foundation. A crystalline permeability reducer was added to the concrete placed at the elevator pits.
The project required 20 truckloads of reinforcing steel, which included 443 tons (401 tonnes) in the big mat itself. Each deck placement was about 830 to over 860 yd3 (635 to 658 m3) and was placed in three sections. Due to a 78-week schedule being reduced to 74 weeks, reliable strength gain was extremely important to ensure the on-time completion of the project. The decks included post-tensioning, and the slag cement mixtures consistently achieved the required strength for next-day stressing.
Application Type
% Slag Cement Replacement | up to 50%, depending on application |
% Portland Cement | |
% Portland Limestone Cement | |
% Other SCM (if applicable) | |
Aggregate | |
Water/cement ratio | |
7-day strengths | |
28-day strengths | up to 10,000 psi, depending on application |