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State Road 52 Realignment

San Antonio, FL

Award Category: Infrastructure

Project Team

Owner: FDOT

Contractor: Superior Construction

Senior Project Manager: Superior Construction Company

Engineer: RK&K

Concrete: Superior Construction Co. – Concrete Paving

Slag Cement: Argos USA

This project consisted of several mix design, but the two most used included slag cement as a cementitious component. One mix design used a 30/70 slag cement to Portland IL cement ratio, while the other a 40/60. Slag cement was used for a multitude of reasons such as increasing compressive strength, prevention of reinforcement corrosion and higher resilience, but ultimately for sustainability and durability. Ensuring a product that is durable and that will last for a long-term period is of major importance for an active highway such as the one built here.

Results of using slag cement were successful in terms of long-term strength, consistency, and visual appearance. Data consistently proved higher compressive strengths at 28 days compared to cement only mixes. The slag cement mixes also proved to be consistent on day-to-day operations in the field promoting high production and consistent performance. The use of slag cement at the finished product level gave a continuous off-white appearance and smooth look that is noticed at first glance. Slag cement was successful in giving the product optimal strength, consistent properties, and an appealing look.

The concrete paving was performed in-house by Superior Construction’s Concrete Paving division. Using a company owned batch plant, Superior’s Concrete Paving Division batched and placed nearly 54,000 cubic yards of concrete. Both sides of the divided highway were paved for almost 4 miles in length on each side. The entire paving operation was completed in under 8 months with roughly 400 feet left to complete after a traffic shift.

The State Road 52 Realignment Project, contracted with Superior Construction Co., begins just west of the new development at Mirada Blvd and runs as far east as US 301. The objective was to reroute the existing SR 52 to the south, connecting it to Clinton Avenue, while also widening the entire length from a two-lane highway to a four-lane divided highway.

Application Type

% Slag Cement Replacement

30% and 40%

% Portland Cement

% Portland Limestone Cement


% Other SCM (if applicable)


Water/Cement ratio

7-day Strengths

28-day Strengths


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