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Red Barn Wind Farm

Location: Montfort, Wisconsin

Award: Lower Carbon Concrete

Project Team

Owner: Allete Clean Energy

Future Owner: Wisconsin Public Service and Madison Gas & Electric Contractor: Wanzek Construction

Engineer: RRC Power & Energy, LLC

Civil Engineer: Westwood

Electrical Engineer: CEG Concrete: BARD Materials Slag Cement: Holcim

The Red Barn Wind Farm project in Monfort, WI, USA, is a 28-turbine, 14,500 yd3 (11,090 m3) concrete (55% slag cement replacement), 92 megawatt wind farm, which powers over 32,000 homes. The project offsets 270,000 tons (245,000 tonnes) of carbon.

Turbines were erected on foundations of 450 ft3 (13 m3) of concrete and 40 tons (36 tonnes) of reinforcing steel. The project employed 250 people during the construction and up to 10 people during operation.

Application Type

% Slag Cement Replacement


% Portland Cement

% Portland Limestone Cement


% Other SCM (if applicable)


58% limestone coarse, 42% natural sand

Water/cement ratio


7-day strengths

4560 psi

28-day strengths

7790 psi



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