Slag Cement University

Slag Cement University is a central source of educational resources on slag cement use in concrete construction for university professors and students. Professors can easily incorporate the content of Slag Cement University into existing construction management course material.
Content was curated and developed by SCA members and staff to provide an overview of the applications, uses, and benefits of slag cement use. Content includes syllabus, exam questions, slide decks, and pre-recorded presentations on various topics.
If you are looking for additional handouts, information, or resources, please reach out to SCA Director of Marketing, Nick Brimley at Nick.Brimley@slagcement.org.
Technical Information Sheets SCA’s 30 technical information sheets provide an overview of various applications and topics regarding slag cement use in concrete. These 1-2 page documents are good resources for students to review in order to prepare for exam questions. The references mentioned in these documents can provide further information on these topics.
5. Producing and Placing Slag Cement Concrete
8. Mitigating Alkali-Silica Reaction
10. Greening
12. Terminology and Specifications
13. Suggested Specification Provision for Slag Cement in Concrete
14. Compressive and Flexural Strength
15. Slag Cement in High Performance Concrete
16. Producing Precast and Prestressed Concrete with Slag Cement
17. Producing Concrete Pipe with Slag Cement
18. Producing Concrete Block with Slag Cement
20. Ternary Concrete Mixtures with Slag Cement
21. Blended Cements
22. Slag Cement and the Environment
23. Slag Cement and Life Cycle Prediction Models
24. Slag Cement and Controlled Low Strength Material
25. Use of Slag Cement in Soil Cement
26. Waste Solidification using Slag Cement
27. Effect of Slag Cement on Shrinkage in Concrete
29. Reduce Scaling with Slag Cement and Good Concreting Practices
30. Slag Cement and Portland Limestone Cement in Concrete
Presentations and Pre-Recorded Webinars
The 1-hour webinars and slide decks listed below provide a well-rounded look at the various applications and things to look for when using slag cement in concrete.
Slag Cement 101: Improving Concrete by Using Slag Cement
Speaker: Jay Whitt, Lehigh Hanson Cement
This slide deck provides an overview of the resources available to the industry on slag cement use, and the various benefits and applications of slag cement in concrete. This presentation is intended to be the kick-off presentation to any incorporation of these resources into classrooms. Use the slide deck to present the information yourself or use the pre-recorded webinar to begin diving into the benefits of slag cement.
Webinar Recording. *Webinar starts at minute 3:30
Performance of Slag Cement with Portland Limestone Cement in Concrete
Speakers: Professor Doug Hooton, University of Toronto; Professor Jason Weiss, Oregon State University
Early-age performance of slag cement with Type IL cement has been found to be equal to or better than with Portland cement from the same source. The alumina in the slag cement can react with more of the finely divided limestone to form additional carboaluminate hydrates that then results in reduced porosity and increased early-age strength. There is also reduced permeability, as indicated by ASTM C1202 test results.
While some early published papers indicated a potential concern for an increased risk of low-temperature thaumasite sulfate attack, our extensive long-term tests on concretes have shown that Type IL cement- slag cement combinations are as resistant to sulfate attack as Type I cement-slag cement combinations and more resistant than equivalent w/cm concretes made with Type V cements to both the ettringite and thaumasite forms of degradation.
This presentation will include discussion on these two topics and will also look at some recent projects with these materials. Speakers will walk through different reaction rates such as resistivity and diffusion with portland limestone cements, strength results and modeling.
Geotechnical Applications with Slag Cement
Speakers: Gordon McLellan, Lehigh Hanson
The presentation will provide information on how slag cement can be used in soil stabilization projects. The design process, standard design criteria, laboratory testing examples, and field test case studies will all be covered in this presentation.
Improving Concrete Performance with Slag Cement
Speaker: Professor Doug Hooton, University of Toronto
Explore the benefits of using different supplementary cementitious materials (SCM) in your mix design. Attendees will leave the presentation with a clearer understanding of how slag cement and other SCM’s enhance concrete, making it more durable, stronger, less permeable, and more sustainable. Additionally, the session will explore slag cement’s effect on slump, workability and its enhanced finishing properties. The session will also highlight case study projects that have utilized slag cement and how it has elevated concrete performance when in combination with other cementitious materials.
Demonstrating Resilient Results with Slag Cement
Speaker: Shawn Kalyn, St. Marys Cement
This webinar discusses the role of slag cement in creating carbon friendly and sustainable concrete. An overview of Environmental Product Declarations, Life Cycle Assessment tools and LEED credits associated with slag cement use are discussed.
Webinar Recording *Webinar starts at minute 4:50
Mitigating Alkali Silica Reaction in Concrete with Slag Cement
Speakers: Keith Maddrey and Clayton McCabe, Argos USA
Adding slag cement to a concrete mix design can help prevent Alkali Silica Reaction (ASR), which leads to severe concrete cracking and deterioration. Illustrated through case study examples, this webinar will cover how slag cement works to mitigate ASR.
The Role of Slag Cement in Creating Sulfate Resistant Concrete
Speakers: Keith Maddrey and Clayton McCabe, Argos USA
This webinar will explore sulfate attack in concrete, how slag cement can be used to combat these affects, and the testing methods used to prove its effectiveness.
Avoiding Scaling in Concrete with Slag Cement
Speaker: Henry Prenger, Holcim
This webinar will explore common missteps, ways to effectively work with slag cement, resources for the industry to use, and case study examples of what has worked in various cold weather climates.
More webinar recordings are available on the SCA website here.
Case Studies
The SCA website houses a wide range of case study examples of slag cement use. Use the web matrix here to review different projects including bridges, stadiums, airports, schools, pavements, hospitals, etc.
SCA members and staff developed 80-question exam provides a testing method for universities incorporating slag cement university materials into their curriculum. The exam set includes:
Online exam option
80 question exam (clean)
Exam answer key
Exam syllabus, directing where the questions were pulled from the above resources.
Digital Flashcards
Students can study for the Slag Cement University exam by using interactive, digital flashcards.
Research Scholarships
In 2020, the SCA expanded its annual awards program to include a research category. Winning projects receive a $1,000 stipend to attend the ceremony. More information on this program can be found here.